Check out Professor of Sociology and Asian and Asian American Studies, Manisha Desai, at the upcoming event:
"Reflections on Decolonising the Transnational Feminist Analytic" on October 7th, 2021 from 12:30pm-1:45pm.
While transnational feminist movements and praxis have a centuries old history, transnational feminism as an analytic emerged in the 1990s US academy in response to its own internal debates of theorising across difference and the larger context of the global gender equality regime that had emerged over the UN Women’s Decade and the Fourth World Conference in Beijing.
If Transnational Feminist Analytic (TFA) is to remain relevant as an example of theorising across differences, it needs to be in conversation with other imaginings across difference. In particular, Manisha Desai will highlight the need to attend to three such endeavors: decolonial feminisms that centre the settler coloniality of the Americas; Bahujan and Dalit feminisms that challenge the Brahmanic supremacy of unmarked Indian feminism; and decolonial, postsocialist feminisms that challenge the already recognized erasure of the erstwhile Second World from the transnational feminist analytic.