Month: September 2020

SSRC Rapid-Response to COVID19 and the Social Sciences Grant

Congratulations to Laura Mauldin, winner of an SSRC Rapid-Response to Covid19 and the Social Sciences Grant! From a pool of over 1300 applicants, 62 projects were selected that address the social, economic, cultural, psychological, and political impact of Covid-19 in the United States and globally, as well as responses to the pandemic’s wide-ranging effects. Abstract […]

Manuel Ramirez: “Securing Racial Borders”

Read Manuel Ramirez (UConn) and Fae Chubin’s (Bradley University) article in Sociological Inquiry, “Securing Racial Borders: A Comparative Study of Settler‐Racial Ideology and State Border Violence.” Abstract The Palestinian “Great March of Return” in 2018, marked by the Israeli government’s brutal attacks on Palestinians who were demonstrating at the Gaza border, nearly coincided with the […]

Noel Cazenave: “A Community Organizer Takes on White Vigilantism”

Read Noel Cazenave’s interview in The New Yorker, A Community Organizer Takes on White Vigilantism by Eliza Griswold. Excerpt Noel Cazenave, a professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut and the author of “Killing African Americans: Police and Vigilante Violence as a Racial Control Mechanism,” sees such resistance as part of a long history of […]

Bandana Purkayastha: Pandemics and Migrant Precarity

Soma Chaudhuri (Sociology, Michigan State University, PI), Elizabeth Chacko (Geography, George Washington University, Co-PI), Bandana Purkayastha (Sociology & AASI, Co-PI) along with S. Anandhi (History, Madras Institute of Development Studies, India), Anand Venkatesh (Economics, Institute for Rural Management, India), Paromita Sanyal. (Sociology, Florida State University), and Jaita Talukdar (Sociology, Loyola University, New Orleans) have been […]