Eastern Sociological Society Conference

Congratulations to all of the undergraduate students who presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Conference this March! The ESS conference annually provides undergraduate students opportunities to display their sociological research as academic posters. This year's conference theme was "Building Solidarity to Break Cycles of Repression." You view a full list of all the undergraduate student posters here.

A group of Sociology undergraduate students stand in a conference hall, smiling for the camera. Professors Simon Cheng, Ryan Talbert, and Phoebe Godfrey are standing with their students.

Additional Photos

Student Safiyah Ahmed speaks to onlookers about their poster, titled " Race-Ethnicity and Oral Healthcare Visits from Adolescence to Adulthood."
Sociology Professor Phoebe Godfrey and undergraduate student Justin Guinta stand next to Guinta's research poster titled "Educational Applications of Social Control Theory."
Undergraduate student Vangmayee Upadhyay shows Sociology Professor Phoebe Godfrey their poster, "Race-Ethnicity, Mental Health, and Oral Health among Young Adults"
Undergraduate student Dehjah Drye stands with their poster, titled " Incarceration Exposure and the Regulation of Inflammatory and Antiviral Genes among Black Americans."