Ruth Braunstein: “The backlash against rightwing evangelicals is reshaping American politics and faith”

Check out Associate Professor of Sociology Ruth Braunstein’s recent article in The Guardian titled “The backlash against rightwing evangelicals is reshaping American politics and faith.

***Excerpt from article***

What if I were to tell you that the following trends in American religion were all connected: rising numbers of people who are religiously unaffiliated (“nones”) or identify as “spiritual but not religious”; a spike in positive attention to the “religious left”; the depoliticization of liberal religion; and the purification and radicalization of the religious right? As a sociologist who has studied American religion and politics for many years, I have often struggled to make sense of these dramatic but seemingly disconnected changes. I now believe they all can all be explained, at least in part, as products of a backlash to the religious right.

Posted by Malley, Mary in News