Read Noel Cazenave's commentary on vigilante attacks on Black Lives Matter activists in Philadelphia published in The Guardian, "The armed white men who terrorized Philadelphia’s Black Lives Matter supporters."
"'I am absolutely not surprised this happened,' said Noel Cazenave, a sociologist at the University of Connecticut and author of Killing African Americans: Police and Vigilante Violence as a Racial Control Mechanism.
‘Race relations have been very intense in Philadelphia,’ said Cazenave, who lived in the city for 13 years. ‘When my family and I drove down to try to find housing in Philadelphia, let’s just say we had some interesting encounters in the north-east.'
…'Chasing someone with golf clubs or what have you – I’d say that is a form of non-lethal lynching that maintains white racial control,' he said. 'It sends a message that states: You’re not supposed to be in this area. It’s justified by the notion that Black people, no matter what they’re doing, are criminals.'"