The Network for the Social Scientific Study of Science and Religion (N4SR) was established in 2011 to promote empirical research on the relationship between science and religion. The objectives of the N4SR are as follows:
1) Promote rigorous social scientific exploration of the social relationship between science and religion.
2) Enhance the quality and visibility of research in this area.
3) Advance research-based contributions to policy advisors contemplating problems associated with the science-religion interface.
4) Support social science scholars who study science and religion by providing recent research, news, and other relevant professional resources.
To further these goals, the co-facilitators recently obtained a 2.9 million dollar grant from the Templeton Religion Trust to build up research in this area. The funds are being distributed to scholars to conduct research in this area.
Congratulations to UConn Sociology winner Amy Lawton (2020)!