Andrea Voyer: Etiquette in Sociology

Andrea Voyer is a former sociology professor at University of Connecticut. She received BA of Russian Civilization and MA of Social Administration from University of Chicago, and PhD of Sociology from University of Wisconsin-Madison. During her time at UConn, Prof. Andrea Voyer taught courses in theory, culture, and qualitative methods. Her Publications include Strangers and Neighbors: Multiculturalism, Conflict, and Community in America (Cambridge 2013)

Professor Andrea Voyer conducted an analysis of historical changes in Emily Post’s Etiquette for the understanding that manners provide into the nature of American class relations. Focuses on processes of social inclusion and exclusion on the basis of immigration, race, and class. Uconn Today has recently published an article providing some insights on Professor Voyer's research.

This week, on UConn 360: The UConn Podcast, Prof. Andrea Voyer explains what the collected advice of Emily Post can tell us about society. Starts with how etiquette fits into the world of sociology, then further explores the significance of Emily Post's encyclopedia of Etiquette.