Wayne Villemez

Professor Emeritus of Sociology

PhD, 1970, University of Texas
M.A., 1967, University of Texas
BA, 1964, Notre Dame


PhD, 1970, University of Texas
M.A., 1967, University of Texas
BA, 1964, Notre Dame


John J. Beggs, Wayne J. Villemez, and Ruth Arnold. 1997. “Black Population Concentration and Black-White Inequality.” Social Forces 76: 65-91.

William P. Bridges and Wayne J. Villemez. 1994. The Employment Relationship: Causes and Consequences of Modern Personnel Administration . New York: Plenum.

Wayne J. Villemez and William P. Bridges. 1988. “When Bigger is Better: Differences in the Individual-Level Effect of Firm and Establishment Size.” American Sociological Review 53: 237-55.


John J. Beggs, Wayne J. Villemez, and Ruth Arnold. 1997. “Black Population Concentration and Black-White Inequality.” Social Forces 76: 65-91.

William P. Bridges and Wayne J. Villemez. 1994. The Employment Relationship: Causes and Consequences of Modern Personnel Administration . New York: Plenum.

Wayne J. Villemez and William P. Bridges. 1988. “When Bigger is Better: Differences in the Individual-Level Effect of Firm and Establishment Size.” American Sociological Review 53: 237-55.

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