Simon Cheng
Professor of Sociology
Ph.D., 2003, Sociology, Indiana University
M.S., 1997, Sociology, University of Utah
B.S., 1995, Educational Studies, University of Utah
Simon Cheng joined the University of Connecticut in 2004. His teaching and research interests include sociology of education, family, race/ethnicity, sexuality, and quantitative methods. His publications in these areas include articles in American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Social Science Research, Sociological Methods & Research, and other journals. Besides work, Simon enjoys playing tennis.
Cheng, Simon, Kristin Kelley, and Brian Powell. 2023. “One Sex, Two Sexes, One Parent, Two Parents: Public Attitudes toward Single and Same-Sex Parenthood.” Journal of Marriage and Family 85: 413–435.
Li, Angran, Simon Cheng, and Todd Vachon. 2022. “Too Much of a Good Thing: Parental Overinvolvement and Student Outcomes from Elementary to Middle School.” Social Forces.
Hamilton, Laura and Simon Cheng. 2018. “Going Greek: The Organization of Campus Life and Class-Based Graduation Gaps.” Social Forces 96(3): 977-1008.
Cheng, Simon and Brian Powell. 2015. “Measurement, Methods, and Divergent Patterns: Reassessing the Effects of Same-Sex Parents.” Social Science Research 52: 615-26.
Cheng, Simon, Laura Hamilton, Stacy A. Missari, and Kuo-hsun Josef Ma. 2014. “Sexual Subjectivity among Adolescent Girls: Social Disadvantage and Young Adult Outcomes.” Social Forces 93(2):515-44.
Cheng, Simon and Brian Powell. 2011. “Misclassification By Whom? A Comment on Campbell and Troyer.” American Sociological Review 76:347-55.
Cheng, Simon and Kathryn J. Lively. 2009. “Multiracial Self-Identification and Adolescent Outcomes: A Social Psychological Approach to the Marginal Man Theory.” Social Forces 88: 61-98.
Cheng, Simon, Yingmei Xi, and Ming-Hui Chen. 2008. “A New Mixture Model for Misclassification with Applications for Survey Data.” Sociological Methods & Research 37: 75-104.
Cheng, Simon, Regina E. Werum, and Leslie Martin. 2007. “Adult Social Capital: How Family and Community Ties Shape Track Placement of Ethnic Groups in Germany.” American Journal of Education 114: 41-74.
Cheng, Simon and Brian Powell. 2007. “Under And Beyond Constraints: Resource Allocation To Young Children From Biracial Families.” American Journal of Sociology 112: 1044-94.
Hamilton, Laura, Simon Cheng, and Brian Powell. 2007. “Adoptive Parents, Adaptive Parents: Evaluating the Importance of Biological Ties for Parental Investment.” American Sociological Review 72: 95-116.
Cheng, Simon and J. Scott Long. 2007. “Testing for IIA in the Multinomial Logit Model.” Sociological Methods & Research 35(4): 583-600.
Cheng, Simon and Brian Starks. 2002. “Racial Differences in the Effects of Significant Others on Students’ Educational Expectations.” Sociology of Education 75(4): 306-27.
Brooks, Clem and Simon Cheng. 2001. “Declining Government Confidence and Policy Preferences in the U.S.: Devolution, Regime Effects, or Symbolic Change?” Social Forces 79(4): 1343-75. | |
Phone | 860 486-8814 |
Curriculum Vitae | Cheng_cv_20231121 |
Office Location | 226 Manchester Hall |