Kim Price-Glynn

Associate Professor of Sociology

Kim Price-Glynn is Associate Professor of Sociology at the UConn Hartford and Storrs’ campuses. She is affiliated with Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies. Before joining the UConn faculty, she completed her doctorate in sociology at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Harvard School of Public Health. In 2010, she was the inaugural recipient of the University of Connecticut College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Achievement Award for Excellence in Teaching.


Professor Price-Glynn’s research interests center on gender, carework, and qualitative research methods. Her forthcoming book, Who Cares About Parents?: Temporary Alliances, Exclusionary Practices, and the Strategic Possibilities of Parenting Groups (Rutgers University Press, November 2025), explores parenting groups’ care for parents, their history and contemporary contributions to care infrastructure. Parenting groups have a long history of advocacy, like early PTA campaigns to abolish child labor and establish school lunches. Parenting groups continue to innovate and create possibilities for social change, or strategic parenting, alongside reproducing narrow inclusion and exclusion. This book examines parenting groups’ barriers and solutions to more equitable care practices.

Professor Price-Glynn is co-editor of the volume, From Crisis to Catastrophe: Care, COVID, and Pathways to Change (Rutgers University Press 2023), with Mignon Duffy (University of Massachusetts Lowell) and Amy Armenia (Rollins College). She is co-editor of the book series, Carework in a Changing Worldwith Mignon Duffy and Amy Armenia (also with Rutgers University Press).

Her past research addresses diverse organizational settings including strip clubs, nursing homes, and home health care. Her book, Strip Club: Gender, Power, and Sex Work (NYU Press 2010), examined the processes through which men and women wield, negotiate, and contest power in a gendered organization. She has published with Gender & Society, Sociology of Health & Illness; Research in the Sociology of Health Care; and Work, Employment & Society as well as other journals and in the edited volume, Caring on the Clock (Rutgers University Press 2015).


Professor Price-Glynn is an active member and past co-chair of the Carework Network, an international organization of researchers, policymakers, and advocates involved in various domains of care work.

For eight years, she has co-chaired The Wood/Raith Living Trust (2018-2025) with Professors Vicki Magley (Psychology) and Alaina Brenick (HDFS). Through their work, the trust has funded 84 graduate students across the university with UConn Summer Research Fellowships of $4000-$5000 each to support their scholarship on gender identity.


Postdoctoral Research Fellow, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard University

Ph.D., University of Massachusetts – Amherst
M.A., University of Massachusetts – Amherst
B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University

Headshot of Kim Price-Glynn
Contact Information
PhoneHartford: (959)200-3798
Mailing AddressUniversity of Connecticut
10 Prospect Street
Hartford, CT 06103
Office LocationHartford Campus
Hartford Times Building (HTB), 511
Storrs Campus
Manchester Hall, 110
CampusHartford & Storrs
LinkScholar Page