Andrew Deener

Professor of Sociology


PhD., 2008, Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles
M.A., 2004, Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles
M.A., 2002, Sociology and History, New School for Social Research
B.A., 1999, Liberal Studies/Cultural Studies, Pennsylvania State University


My research focuses on urban inequality, culture, organizations, infrastructure, markets, and the environment, and it combines historical and ethnographic methods. My first book was Venice: A Contested Bohemia in Los Angeles (University of Chicago Press, 2012)I recently completed The Problem with Feeding Cities: The Social Transformation of Infrastructure, Abundance, and Inequality in America (University of Chicago Press, 2020). I am currently writing a book about global urbanism (with Jonathan Wynn), and I am starting a new project about how climate change affects property valuations, risk assessments, and communities. I also write and teach about the logics of qualitative methods and the processes and practices of theorizing in sociology. 


Deener, Andrew. 2020. The Problem with Feeding Cities: The Social Transformation of Infrastructure, Abundance, and Inequality in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 

Benzecry, Claudio, Deener, Andrew, Lara-Millan (Co-Editors). Archival Work as Qualitative Sociology, Special Issue, 43(3), Qualitative Sociology.   

Deener, Andrew. 2018. “The Architecture of Ethnographic Knowledge: Narrowing Down Data and Contexts in Search of Sociological Cases.” Sociological Perspectives, 61(2): 295-313. 

Deener, Andrew. 2017. “The Uses of Ambiguity in Sociological Theorizing: Three Ethnographic Approaches.” Sociological Theory, 35(4): 359-379 

Deener, Andrew. 2017. “The Origins of the Food Desert: Urban Inequality as Infrastructural Exclusion.” Social Forces, 95(3): 1285-1309. 

Deener, Andrew. 2016. “The Ecology of Neighborhood Participation and the Reproduction of Political Conflict.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 40(4): 817-832. 

Aronowitz, Robert, Deener, Andrew, Keene, DanyaSchnittker, Jason, and Tach, Laura. 2015. “The Pitfalls of Invoking Cultural Change to Improve Population Health.” American Journal of Public Health. 105(S3): 403-408. 

Deener, Andrew, Erie, Steven, Kogan, Vlad, Stuart, Forrest. 2013. “Planning Los Angeles: Neighborhood and Downtown Development.” In Halle, David and Andrew Beveridge (editors), New York and Los Angeles: The Uncertain Future. New York: Oxford University Press. 

Deener, Andrew. 2012. Venice: A Contested Bohemia in Los Angeles. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 

Deener, Andrew. 2010. “The ‘Black Section’ of the Neighborhood: Collective Visibility and Collective Invisibility as Sources of Place Identity.” Ethnography, 11(1): 45-67. 

Deener, Andrew. 2009. “Forging Distinct Paths Toward Authentic Identity: Outsider Art, Public Interaction, and Identity Transition in an Informal Market Context.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 38(2): 169-200. 

Deener, Andrew. 2007. “Commerce as the Structure and Symbol of Neighborhood Life: Reshaping the Meaning of Community in Venice, California.” City and Community, 6(4): 291-314. 

Headshot of Andrew Deener
Contact Information
Phone860 486-4611
Office Location220 Manchester Hall